Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Discussion Question #29

Well, here's the last discussion post for the Fall 2010 semester. For the last discussion question, I'll focus on a concept that I just saw in a TV commercial a few seconds ago. Appealing to emotion is a pretty convincing way to support an argument. It might not always be a "logical" or "reasonable" way to argue, but it definitely plays to the weakness that humans have to certain issues/topics.

Just a few minutes ago, the commercial with the images/video of all the abused animals came on. They're trying to get donations/various help for these animals, including rescuing them or just reporting suspected animal abusers, but I really can't see those images without feeling pretty sad/depressed. There are several other similar commercials that appeal to pity, such as starving children in Africa, but it can be really depressing to have that commercial come on at really any time of day. Every human has a weakness for some sort of feeling bad/pity, so it's really effective in bringing the issues to attention. Sad, but effective.


  1. I also thought that Appeal to emotion was the most interesting concept or most important chapter that we did this semester. Appeal to emotion is important even though there is no reasoning or strong supportive arguments. I agree with you that appeal to emotion is like a weakness to people because they let their emotions get the best of them and let their emotions make the decisions. I also agree with you that commercials do a lot of advertising where they use appeal to emotion to get people to feel sorry to donate and or adapt animals. My girlfriend makes me change the channel every time she hears the sad music playing in the background and she says that she doesn't like to see that commercial because it makes her sad. She loves animals especially dogs so seeing this commercial gets to her and this is what appeal to emotion does to people.

  2. I also wrote on appeal to emotion. It’s amazing how often this concept and others forms of appeals are used in advertising. I have become more aware of its use and agree that it is a very powerful form to persuade or convince individuals of a specific cause or movement. I believe I know which commercial you are referring to - I have to walk away when I hear the music. My boyfriend and I have extremely busy schedules right now to have any pets, but I recently attended a volunteer orientation at my local shelter for dog walkers and assisting adoption clinics. I have a feeling I may end up bringing a stray home one day. :-)
